Whether you're hosting a full-fledged luau birthday party or you just want to give the guest of honor a taste of the tropics, a luau cake may be the perfect finishing touch. Luau cakes don't have to be loaded with coconut or pineapple - in fact, just about any recipe will do.
Here are a few ideas guaranteed to put anyone in the mood to hula:
Bake cake batter in two dome-shaped Pyrex baking bowls of graduated sizes, then stack together and frost with chocolate frosting. Then, create realistic-looking lava by melting crushed lollipops and drizzling over the top of the cake.
Frost the top half of a rectangular cake with blue icing to resemble the sea, and the lower half with white to look like sand. Sprinkle the surface of the cake with glistening sanding sugar, and use cocktail umbrellas to dot the "beach". For finishing touches, add puka shells, orchids, or miniature hula girls.
Form the hula girl's skirt by baking cake batter in a dome-shaped Pyrex bowl, or by using a specially shaped cake pan called a "wonder mold". Insert a doll cake topper into the cake and outfit her in a bikini top made of shells; make the grass skirt with piping on thin strips of green icing.
For a no-fuss luau birthday cake, you can't go wrong with a pineapple upside-down cake. To make, prepare batter according to instructions and pour into a sheet cake pan lined with maraschino cherry-filled pineapple slices. After baking, flip the cake pineapple side up and decorate with cocktail umbrellas, shells, or orchids.
Tropical themed luau cakes allow you to enjoy a taste of the tropics whenever you like. Now that you have a few ideas lined up, you've got plenty of time to learn how to strum out Happy Birthday on the ukulele.
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