Fire Alarm Fun for Everyone! Make the day special for your fireman in training.
For your budding fireman, a fire truck birthday party is an excellent theme and can be a wonderful opportunity to educate the small ones at the same time. If you live near a firehouse, ask if you can bring the party for a tour.
Many firehouses and volunteer firefighters will not only take the children around to see the equipment, they may be willing to come to your home to speak about fire safety as well.
Whatever you can find with a fireman or fire truck on it should be the start of your table ware. Copy off, or send away for brightly colored safety tips to use as placemats for each child.
If you can get a real fireman to bring equipment, have each child take turns trying it on so he has a feel for the gear. Practice safety tips and have contests like "stop, drop and roll. Everyone is a winner and the safety tips get reinforced.
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In some areas, the firemen give out coloring books and other safety information, so check to see if that is available for you. If not, find your own coloring books, safety kits and other fire safety related toys.
Here's a great how-to video that was put out by Howdini on how to make a fire truck birthday cake using 3 cakes made in loaf pans.
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